1. When the film the video and the TV powerful in the classroom?
The film, video ant TV are powerful in the classroom when they are used appropriately and moderately, they can make the teaching learning process more concrete , lively, colorful and interactive. Its contribute to a more lasting learning because of its visual , audio and motion effects. these audio make learning fun. However , misuse and abuse of their use int he classroom and even at home has far reaching damaging effects in the development of children imaginative and thinking powers and ability to human life.
2. Why are the film, video and tv powerful in the class?
It is powerful in the class it is because it transmit a wide range of audio- visual materials, including still pictures films, object, specimens , and drama. and it bring the world reality to the home and to the classroom through a "live" broadcast or as a mediated through film and video tape.
3. What are the some disadvantages or limitations of the use of TV?
Excessive TV viewing works against the development of the child's ability to visualize and to be creative and imaginative, skills that are needed in problem solving.
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