Friday, October 7, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
1. What is an educational media center?
The Educational Media Center functions as a vital instrument as well as a basic requirement for quality education by enriching all parts of the school's educational process. And it is designed for the housing and utilization of all educational media with in the school.
The Educational Media Center functions as a vital instrument as well as a basic requirement for quality education by enriching all parts of the school's educational process. And it is designed for the housing and utilization of all educational media with in the school.
- It reflects and supports the philosophy of the school.
- It shares and implements the school aims and objectives.
- It is involved in the teaching and learning process.
- It is a source center.
- It is a learning laboratory.It is a teaching agency.
- It is a service agency.
- A coordinating agency.
- A center for recreational reading, viewing and listening
- center for resources.
- laboratory for learning
- agent of teaching
- service agency
- coordinating agency
- recreational reading center
- a stepping stone to the other recreational activities in school.
- media and instruction
- the instructional media services
- classroom facilities
- media program
An EMC is a facility of the school system tasked to require, maintain, care and promote the full effective used of educational media. It houses the both old new technologies meant to make learning more efficient and effective. It facilitates and ensures the optimum use of all instructional media. It organizes learning activities for students and teachers alike for them to upgrade and improve on their technology manipulative skills all fort he purpose of motivating them to keep on developing on their communications , analytical, integrative creative and collaborative skills for meaningful lifelong learning.
LB # 17
1. Which form of assessment fits a constructivist ?
Technology-supported learning environment?The form of assessment that fits a constructivist technology-supported learning environment is the "Authentic assessment". AUTHENTIC assessment measures collective abilities, written and oral expression skills, analytical skills, manipulative skills, integration, creativity and ability to work skills, integration, creativity and ability to work collaboratively
In authentic assessment, students perform real world tasks, thus the world "authentic". It is an assessment of a process or a product. That is why authentic assessment includes performance or product assessment. The performance is reliable measure of skills learned and the product is a proof of the acquisition of skills.
Technology-supported learning environment?The form of assessment that fits a constructivist technology-supported learning environment is the "Authentic assessment". AUTHENTIC assessment measures collective abilities, written and oral expression skills, analytical skills, manipulative skills, integration, creativity and ability to work skills, integration, creativity and ability to work collaboratively
In authentic assessment, students perform real world tasks, thus the world "authentic". It is an assessment of a process or a product. That is why authentic assessment includes performance or product assessment. The performance is reliable measure of skills learned and the product is a proof of the acquisition of skills.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The effective use of of Project-base multimedia learning requires through planning
Initial Planning involves:
This are the various phases of the project included:
1) Before the project starts.
Initial Planning involves:
1) Clarifying goals and objectives.
2) Determining how much time is needed and extent of students involvement in the making.
3) Setting up forms of collaboration.
4) Identifying and determining what resources are needed
5) Deciding on the mode to measure what students learn.
This are the various phases of the project included:
1) Before the project starts.
2) Introduction of the project
3) Learning the technology
4) Preliminary research and planning
5) Concept design and story boarding
6) First draft production
7) assessing, testing and finalizing presentations,
8) Concluding activities.
1. What is project-based multimedia learning?
2. Why use project-based multimedia learning?
Because it is "value added" to your teaching.It is ppowerful motivator as proven in the class. It actively engages ages students in the learning task. Students are likewise engaged in theproduction of multimedia presentation.
3. What are the disadvantages of the use of project-based learning and multimedia project?
You need time to orient the students on what are expected of them, guideline of them, guidelines, goals and objectives of the project,and more , so for your students to gather and organize their data, work on their presentations and the like.If the basic computer courses did not teach them these skills demanded by this strategy, there will be a problem.The tendency to lose track of the goals and objectives of your lesson because the technology aspect has gotten the limelight.
4. What are the elements of project-based multimedia learning?
The elements of project-based multimedia learning are:
*core curriculum
*real-world connection
*extended time frame
*student decision making
Project based multimedia learning does not only involve in user of multimedia learning. The students end up ion with the multimedia product to show what they learn. The goals and objectives of a project is are based on the core curriculum as laid down in the circular standards and are made crystals clear to students at the beginning of the project.
1. What techniques can help us maximize the use of the overhead projector and the chalkboard?
- You can show pictures and diagrams, using a pointer on the transparency to direct attention to a detail.
- You can use a felt pen or wax-based pencil to add details or to make points on the transparency during projection.
- You can control the rate of presenting information by covering a transparency with a sheet of paper or cardboard and then exposing data as you are ready to discuss each point.
- You can superimpose additional transparency sheets as overlays on a base transparency so as to separate processes and complex ideas into elements and present them in step-by-step order.
- You can show three-dimensional objects from the stage of the projector .
- You can move overlays back and forth across the base in order to rearrange elements of diagrams or problems. CHALKBOARD TECHNIQUESb. Stand with your elbow high. Move along as you write.c. Use dots as "aiming points". This keeps writing level.d. Make all writing or printing between 2 and 4 inches high for legibility.e. When using colored chalk , use soft chalk so that it can be erased easily.

Among all instructional equipment, The chalkboard is the most available. The overhead projector is another versatile equipment that is common today.
Monday, February 14, 2011
You can store these in Divshare, a website where you can store all your files. No worry about privacy because the user can control the files being uploaded, moreover we could set password for the file. The best thing I like here is I could access my files wherever I am in the world as long as I have the Divshare account.
DivShare allows users to host audio, video, documents and more similar to how they would be stored on a web server.
DivShare files are able to be embedded, shared via links and offer different privacy levels, such as password protection, for users looking to utilize the service. In order to sign up for a free account, you provide your e-mail address, confirm that without a day and you are good to go using the DivShare service.
Friday, January 7, 2011
LB # 13. Teaching with Visual Symbols.
A picture ,a graph and all other visual symbols, are worth of thousands words. The proper use of visual symbols will contribute to optimum learning.
Visual symbols come in many forms , drawing cartoons strip drawing ( comic Strip) diagram, maps, charts, graph.. For these visual symbols to be at your finger tips, you ought to be skilled at making them
The collection, preparation and use of the various visual symbols depends to a great extent on you resourcefulness and creativity. They may be used in different ways and in different phases of the lesson depending on your purpose. If you use them skillfully, your classroom may turn into a behave of busy students.
LB # 12. The Power of TV and Video in the classroom.
1. When the film the video and the TV powerful in the classroom?
The film, video ant TV are powerful in the classroom when they are used appropriately and moderately, they can make the teaching learning process more concrete , lively, colorful and interactive. Its contribute to a more lasting learning because of its visual , audio and motion effects. these audio make learning fun. However , misuse and abuse of their use int he classroom and even at home has far reaching damaging effects in the development of children imaginative and thinking powers and ability to human life.
2. Why are the film, video and tv powerful in the class?
It is powerful in the class it is because it transmit a wide range of audio- visual materials, including still pictures films, object, specimens , and drama. and it bring the world reality to the home and to the classroom through a "live" broadcast or as a mediated through film and video tape.
3. What are the some disadvantages or limitations of the use of TV?
Excessive TV viewing works against the development of the child's ability to visualize and to be creative and imaginative, skills that are needed in problem solving.
1. What procedures and criteria must be observe in planning and conducting fieldtrips?
In conducting a field trips we must follow a procedures or a steps to avoid the failed study trips, First is the preliminary planning by the teacher . Which the teacher make a preliminary contacts to a tour on final arrangement with the place to be visited, The final arrangement with the school principal about the details of the field trips the second is the preplanned with the others going on field trips , taking field trips itself and the post field trip follow up activities.2. What educational benefits derived from field trips?
Field trips can be fun and educational when they are well executed . >The acquisition of lasting concepts and changes in attitudes are rooted on concrete and rich experience. Field trips are opportunities for rich and memorable experience which are fundamental to learning the last.
>The real world connection is more work but the benefits of broadening teaching beyond textbooks far outweigh the little bit of time it takes from a teacher's schedule.
> The field trip can nurture curiosity: build a zest for new experience and a sense of wonder".
3. What community resources can be utilized in learning?
As a place to visits popular destinations are museums, zoos, botanical gardens , historical places places of exhibits scenic spots.Performances like a play , a concert, and a dance presentations also form part of community resources.
Monday, January 3, 2011
1. What does demonstration mean?
Demonstration is showing how a thing is done and emphasizing of the salient merits, utility, efficiency etc. of an article or a concept a method ,a process or an attitude.
A good demonstration is an audio visual presentation it is not enough that the teacher talks, to be effective his/ her demonstration must be accompanied by any types of visuals. And in actual conduct of the demonstration itself we see to it that we get and sustain the interest of the audience, keep the demonstration simple, focused and clear, do not hurry nor drag out the demonstration, Check with understanding in the process of demonstration and conclude it with summary.
Demonstration is showing how a thing is done and emphasizing of the salient merits, utility, efficiency etc. of an article or a concept a method ,a process or an attitude.
And to ensure that the demonstration works properly you must to plan and prepare very well before conducting a demonstration.
2. What are the things to be considered in preparing and planning a demonstration.?
In preparing and Planning demonstration you must consider of the objectives , the materials and equipment in the demonstration. you have planned and rehearsed your demonstration, And as the demonstrator you must prepare your student.A good demonstration is an audio visual presentation it is not enough that the teacher talks, to be effective his/ her demonstration must be accompanied by any types of visuals. And in actual conduct of the demonstration itself we see to it that we get and sustain the interest of the audience, keep the demonstration simple, focused and clear, do not hurry nor drag out the demonstration, Check with understanding in the process of demonstration and conclude it with summary.
1. What do these dramatic experience include?
Dramatic experience can range from the formal plays,pageants to less formal tableau, pantomime puppets and role playing.
2. How can they be use in effective teaching?
It is effective in teaching if our teaching is dramatic, our students get attracted , interested and affected
and moved by what we taught,we will most likely leave an impact on them.
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