Tuesday, December 14, 2010


1. What are contrived experience?

      This are the edited copies of reality and are used substitutes for the real things when it is not practical or possible to being or to do the real things.
      These include the models , mock ups, specimens , and object, stimulation and games, . Thhis contrive experience design to stimulate to reral ;life situations.
      We use this stimulation and games to  make our classes interactive and to develop the decision making skills and knowledge construction skills of our students


What do direct purposeful experience refer to ?

       Direct purposeful  experience refers to the experiences of the other people that we observe, read or hear about.They are not first hand but rather a vicarious experiences. and these are our concrete and first hand experiences that make up the foundation of learning that rich experiences that our sense bring from which we construct the ideas , the concept, the generalization that give meaning and order to our lives .
       It gives the student opportunities to learn by doing. And it can help to the student also to make us of the real thing and to develop the five senses to the pull to higher their sensitivity.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


          Instructional materials is important in evaluating the learning of the students. The proper used of materials. It is the one things to select a good instructional materials. It is another thing to used it well.

    To ensure that it is the effective used of instructional materials first is to prepare yourself to the  topic which you have choose to discuss at that  time, their is a need to study the topic and be more familiar . and you must be prepare of the instructional materials of such particular topic.. You already know how to handle it.
Next is prepare your student set them research for the topic that you are going to discuss . And involve the whole class in the discussion  just like having a question and answer portion contest and then presenting the material you must be good in presenting that material you had prepare.


1.    What is a cone experince?

Cone experience is a visual model, A pictorial device that presents bands of experince arranged according to degree of abstraction and not degree of difficulty.

2.    What is the implication of cone experience in teaching?

   The implication of cone experience in teaching learning process is that we doi not used only one medium of communication in isolation . Rather we used many instructional materials to help the students conceptualize his/ her experience.
   And when teaching , we don't get stick in the symbolic or abstract level to develop their higher order thinking skills.


           A systematic approach is a network of elements, or parts  of different from each other, but each one is special in the sense that each performs a unique functions for the life and effectiveness of the instructional system the elements are connected to one another. If the element of the instructional process fails the outcome learning  will be affected. The attainment of the learning objective is dependent on the snegy of the all elements and all actors involved in the process .

 What are the different the elements of a systematic approach to teaching?  
         There are lot of elements or factors that the teacher has to take into consideration- students' needs, interests, home background, prior experiences, developmental stage, nature and the like.

Jovit Baldivino - FAITHFULLY lyrics *1st album 2010